What to Do During Mould Season

As the seasons change, so do the challenges that come with them. In Australia, where humidity and moisture levels can rise significantly during certain times of the year, dealing with mould becomes a recurring task for homeowners. 

Mould not only poses health risks but also affects the aesthetics and structural integrity of your home. In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies to navigate through mould season with ease. Whether you’re in Victoria or New South Wales, The Mould Doctor is here to provide you with expert advice on mould prevention, professional mould removal services and treatment. Here are some practical steps to keep your living environment healthy and mould-free.

What Is Mould?

Mould, those stubborn fungi, thrive in damp, humid conditions and make your home an inviting target during mould season. At The Mould Doctor, we know that identifying the factors contributing to mould growth is the first step. Is it a leaky roof, poor ventilation or plumbing issues? By getting to the root of the problem, you’re already on your way to effective mould prevention.

Signs of Mould Infestation

Have you noticed small, dark spots on your walls or ceilings? Or maybe your family members are experiencing more sneezing and coughing lately. These are subtle hints that mould might be settling in. Other signs of mould infestation are:


  • Peeling or bubbling paint and wallpaper
  • Damp or humid areas with visible condensation
  • Persistent cold-like symptoms that don’t go away
  • Musty or earthy odours in certain areas of your home
  • Warping or discolouration of materials like wood or fabric
  • Lingering dampness after cleaning or trying to dry an area
  • Presence of visible mould growth in bathrooms, basements or kitchens


Remember, early detection is your secret weapon. As you recognise the signs, you can act quickly and prevent mould from becoming a bigger headache.

Preventive Measures to Protect Your Home Against Mould

Moisture Control: Regularly check for leaks, fix roof issues and maintain your plumbing systems. Our technicians at The Mould Doctor can help identify potential moisture sources you might have missed.

Proper Ventilation: Think of ventilation as a breath of fresh air for your home. Open those windows, use exhaust fans and keep air flowing freely. By doing so, you’re creating an environment that’s less appealing to mould.

Regular Cleaning: Let’s face it, nobody likes cleaning. But wiping down surfaces, vacuuming and dusting regularly can go a long way in mould prevention. It’s like giving mould a firm “no trespassing” notice.

Sealing Cracks and Gaps: Mould is crafty—it can find its way through the tiniest openings. So seal cracks and gaps to block its path. You’ll not only keep mould out but also maintain a tighter, energy-efficient home.

Smart Landscaping: Your home’s exterior can play a role in mould prevention too. Ensure that the soil slopes away from the foundation to prevent water from pooling. Trim bushes and trees near your home to allow sunlight in and reduce moisture accumulation.

Use Exhaust Fans: High-humidity areas like bathrooms and kitchens are breeding grounds for mould. Whenever you’re cooking or taking a shower, turn on the exhaust fans to vent out excess moisture.

Invest in Dehumidifiers: In regions where humidity levels are consistently high, using dehumidifiers can be a game-changer. These devices work to extract excess moisture from the air, helping with mould prevention as they make it harder for mould to thrive.

Regular Roof and Gutter Maintenance: A well-maintained roof and clean gutters play a significant role in mould prevention. Ensure that water is effectively channeled away from your home’s foundation.

Keep Indoor Plants Mindfully: While indoor plants add a touch of nature, overwatering them can create a humid microenvironment that mould loves. Mould prevention means being cautious not to let excess water accumulate in plant pots.

Promptly Address Water Damage: Whether it’s a minor leak or a major water-related incident, act quickly to dry out affected areas and prevent mould growth. 

Regularly Inspect Appliances: Appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators can produce condensation, which can contribute to moisture build-up. For mould prevention, regularly check and clean them to avoid excess moisture.

Educate Your Household: Make sure everyone in your household is aware of the importance of mould prevention. Encourage them to report leaks or signs of moisture promptly.

By implementing these additional preventive measures, you’ll be taking proactive steps to ensure that mould has no chance to take hold in your home during mould season. Take note that a little effort now can save you from bigger issues down the line.

But when should you call professional mould removal services?

You should call mould removal experts when you have extensive mould growth that covers a significant area or has infiltrated structural elements. Additionally, if you’re experiencing health symptoms like persistent allergies or respiratory issues, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. When in doubt about proper mould removal techniques or if you’re unsure about the severity of the infestation, reaching out to experts like The Mould Doctor ensures safe and effective remediation.

Need Mould Gone? We’ve Got You Covered!

At The Mould Doctor, we’re not just experts; we are the best mould remover in Sydney , Melbourne and Canberra, and we are your partners in maintaining a healthy living environment. Our team of specialists is highly trained and experienced in professional mould removal and treatment. As a privately owned Australian company, we understand the unique challenges of mould season in the country. We follow IICRC world standards for mould remediation, ensuring that you receive top-notch service.

Our ‘can do’ philosophy means we approach every job with dedication and professionalism. Our technicians don’t just remove mould; they also provide insights into building defects and issues that contribute to mould growth. We offer comprehensive inspections and reports, all free of charge. Not only will we identify existing mould areas, but we’ll also pinpoint potential causes of mould occurrence.

For more details about our services, contact us today.

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